Every Sunday Morning, 10:00 AM (Communion on 2nd and 4th Sundays and Festivals)
Sunday School & Bible Study Opportunities
Sunday School & Bible Class Every Sunday Morning, 8:45 AM
Sunday School Students meet in the back of the Sanctuary for singing at 8:45, and then divide up into their classrooms from there. Adult Bible Class meets in the Fellowship Hall in the Church Basement.
Senior Choir: Anyone in high school or older is invited to sing in the choir. We practice on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 7:00 PM until approximately 8:00 PM and before the worship service on Sunday for a few minutes starting at 9:45 AM to review the number we are singing that morning. Come join the choir and share your talents for worship services. If you have any questions, call Josh Peterson at 566-7375.
Special Offering Music: During the offering in worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, we features our students who are in grades 5-12. They play piano, instruments, or sing and are learning early in their faith life to use the talents God as given them as we worship Him whom we glorify.
LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League): Meet with other women of the church to study the Bible and hear about topics involving our faith life. The Ladies Aid/LWML has as its members women who are focused on growing in their faith through the topics at the meetings, the fellowship enjoyed there and contributing our mites for the mission of furthering Christ’s kingdom throughout the world. LWML meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the church.
Men's Club: Meet with men of the church on the second Sunday of the month at 6:30 pm. The men gather for an evening of fun and fellowship, always involving a special meal, and then briefly discuss business and upcoming events for the group. The Men’s Club has been focused on sponsoring family-oriented events and trips for the congregation, and raising funds for projects around the church.